
Pat Gallagher

Full-Stack Software Engineer

About Me

Before getting into development, I was working as a corporate paralegal and gearing up to go to law school. I have always been drawn to the logical structure and theory of law, but I quickly found actual practice overwhelmingly routine and generally unenjoyable. When I was studying for the LSAT, I fell in love with the logic section and wondered what other careers might tap into that strength. Additionally, I had already started developing my programming skills as a paralegal: I was able to script a bit over 50% of my job using AutoHotKey and some other software offerings. As a result of the LSAT and my success at automation, I decided to bite the bullet and pursue programming as a career. I am looking for a company where I can be challenged and where I can learn a lot from my team. I feel most at home on the Back End, but I am comfortable working anywhere across the stack, provided I have plenty of opportunities to conduct ‘deep work.’


Crypto Orderbook

Crypto Orderbook, as the name suggests, is an orderbook that displays BTC-USD orders on Coinbase in real time

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Cosmønote is a notetaking app made specifically with developers in mind; some of its unique features include its ability to execute code snippets using Runkit, near-real-time markdown rendering, and an innovative, non-hierarchical ‘web’ visualization.

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Eight Blocks to the Mile

Eight Blocks to the Mile is a Chicago-specific map visualization app that makes it easier to find your way around the city.

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Pristine Pencillorum

Pristine Pencillorum is a full-featured e-commerce site offering luxury pencils and related accessories.

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